Policies, documents and information

At Northern Rivers Housing we are committed to treating all our tenants, residents, and partners in an open, fair and transparent way. To ensure we can deliver on this commitment our decisions are made based on policies which have been developed over time.

This page is progressively updated as documents are reviewed to make sure you receive the most up to date information.

Documents appearing on the Northern Rivers Housing website can be copied or redistributed in any medium or format and Northern Rivers Housing encourages not-for-profit organisations to re-use the information provided, as required. Northern Rivers Housing approves its remix, transformation or the building upon the material included on the condition that it is not used for commercial purposes and provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given to Northern Rivers Housing.

If you use a document, or parts of it, which appears on the Northern Rivers Housing website, we recommend the wording “Acknowledgement: Northern Rivers Housing, adapted by permission”.

Feedback, complaints, and disputes

Tenant Engagement


Landlords and property managers

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